Tag Archives: How to

Liquidation Item Series: HDTV Antennas

Here is the first post in the new liquidated item series.  I want to pick a new product each time and review with you different things to look out for before you purchase as well as what to do if you get the item.  I would like to run this in conjunction with my video series on Youtube.  Keep in mind these are from my own experiences.  If you have different ways you do things or something to add feel free to comment below!

Before Purchasing:

I really look for Mohu Leaf products if i’m going to look at HDTV antennas.  I find that this model sells really well and price will depend on the specific mileage range units.  I’ve seen a 25 mile one and a 50 mile one.  Here’s an example of one below.

Keep in mind they come with multiple pieces (listed below), so you may be missing some if you’re expecting them in a liquidation lot.  Also the actual antenna is a thin plastic sheet, so sometimes they corners could be cracked or missing.  Some of the models have sticky velcro pads that can stick to the wall which also could be missing.

Items possibly in the box:

  • Flat plastic antenna sheet
  • Coaxial cable
  • Wall Plug – some units require extra power
  • Velcro stickers to put on the wall to hold it up
  • Pushpins into sheetrock – some have this
    (You can always validate which items come in your unit by looking up that same antenna on Amazon, etc. to make sure you have everything)

After Purchase:

Once you get them in the box usually they come in the retail packaging with is nice.  Some of the items listed above are pretty small, so make sure to check in your box if they fell out.  Other times they just put the items in a big poly bag.  Make sure to take everything out and make sure the plastic antenna didn’t crack.


This is the most important part of your journey to reselling.  It took me a little bit to figure out how these work.  Hook everything up such as the coaxial, dc plug if available, and hold the antenna up high if you can preferably near a window.  Once plugged into your TV you will need to change the source to “Cable”.  Now here is the tricky part.  I had to go into my tv settings and change the antenna settings.  Once this is changed to match the HDTV antenna, your TV might need to do a scan to receive your channels.  Once the scan is over you should start getting a signal.


I usually list my units on eBay.  Double check the comps and determine based on the pieces you have what a good price is.  usually for the 50 miler I get around $50, and the 25 miler I get around $25 all with free shipping.  Given when you list yours the comps may be different.

Stay tuned as I will be putting more of these item reviews up so you can not only make better liquidation purchases, but come to better understand your products!



Some Liquidation Tips and Tricks – Buying Product

I’ve been purchasing liquidated items for over a year and a half now and I’m not an expert by any means.  But the process I have developed helps me get the best product at the best price from Liquidation.com.

Same Seller: Find a seller that works for you.  You can discover them from trying new ones out of the blue or discussions with current resellers.  I find out a lot of my tips and tricks through my own trial and error, but also through a large Facebook group that I have formed relationships with resellers and liquidators.  You can visit their group here.

Make a List of Products: Once you start to get the hang of reselling then try and stick to the same items that do well.  I have started a running list of products that I intentionally comb through manifests to find.  Once I find these manifests I add the auctions to my wishlist.  I then look up other other high priced items on the list to gauge profit.

Homework: Make sure you put in your homework and comb the manifest prior to bidding and check your shipping costs.  I take the top 10 or so items and look up their value on eBay.  I look at what they are actually selling for, not what they’re listed at or what their MSRP is.  Ultimately their value is only as good as what they are selling for.  To understand your net profit then before bidding make sure to quote your shipping cost so you know what your total cost is all and what you can expect to sell your items for.

Gut Check: Keep your wits about you when you’re bidding.  Don’t let the thrill of bidding and getting new product keep you hooked into bidding.  If the bidding gets too high, meaning it gets over what you think your profit could be on that total auction then let it go.  There will always be similar auctions with similar products.

The only secret is doing your homework and networking.  It will not guarantee that you will make money but it will increase your odds of winning.  You will make as much as the effort you put back into this process.


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